Write for us

We’re looking for freelance writers or industry professionals who are looking to increase their exposure.

In return for your article we’ll do our best to give you whatever exposure we can, both in our 60 000+ -strong Facebook Group

as well as to our website audience.

You could be a professional writer or just a knowledgeable freelancer. Heck, perhaps you’ve just got something

you’d like to say about freelancing in general.

You can write about anything as long as its connected to the world of freelancing

In return for your 650+ word article we can offer the following :

What we will need from you:
1) You need to beĀ  a registered user on Freelance South Africa
2) An article of no less than 650 words
3) A link to your registered profile on the website

*The article may not be republished on any other platform.
*There is no payment for articles.

*We reserve the right not to publish your article if we find it unsuitable for any reason.
(If you are unsure as to whether your article will be suitable please contact us before writing)

How to submit your article:

You may email the text of the article to [email protected]


PM one of the Facebook Group Admins with the text of your article.